The challenge at the energy service provider was the heterogeneous order structure. The system had to recognise the peculiarities of different business processes independently and take them into account during automation. 13 teams distributed throughout Switzerland with a multitude of different orders for services that differ from each other had to be coordinated in three languages for both internal (petrol stations) and external customers (private heating oil tanks). Because this is not provided for in the SAP standard, Migrol used to make do with Excel lists. It goes without saying that the scheduling of around 3,000 orders per year to the service teams was time-consuming and error-prone in the tank revision and renovation business alone. The retailsolutions solution consisted of the implementation of the SAP modules PM (Plant Maintenance) for planning, execution and documentation of maintenance measures, maintenance work and repairs of the own plants as well as SAP CS (Customer Service) for the processing of external customers. In addition, Divcon's scheduling solution based on SAP MRS was integrated for deployment planning. In this combination and with partial development work (interfaces), it was possible to automate most of the service and plant processes. The result: the elimination of manual activities, massive time savings, reduction of the error rate and more transparency. In the end, the automation of the processes, which had been considered unfeasible by the previous supplier, was successful.
Previous attempts failed
At Migrol, bookings are possible via the online shop or the call centre. In both cases, customer orders are created, which in turn generate service orders for the teams. In addition, there are often additional sales or services provided by the teams on site. Therefore, it is not the customer orders but the service orders including the additional services and products that are billed. However, the conditions, discounts and campaigns are stored in the customer orders and must be transferred from there for the settlement. Accordingly, this procedure posed the greatest challenge during the implementation. "We have wanted to automate our plant and service processes for a long time so that they require as few manual activities as possible," says Luca Broch, head of service and plants at Migrol. However, the previous supplier always said that such a solution was not feasible or very difficult to implement. "After several failed attempts, retailsolutions has now implemented exactly the solution we needed and had been looking for for so long," says Broch happily.
retailsolutions AG
Unter Altstadt 8
6300 Zug
Florian Kraus – Managing Partner
Phone: +41 +41 79 619 15 23
Medien- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit:
Häfliger Media Consulting
Hirslanderstrasse 51
8032 Zürich
Markus Häfliger – Inhaber
Phone: +41 44 422 66 00
About retailsolutions AG
retailsolutions AG is one of the leading retail consulting companies for SAP solutions in Europe. From the locations in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, UK, Sweden and Spain, more than 280 consultants support retail companies throughout Europe. The portfolio includes solutions along the entire value chain. The company owes its extensive expertise not least to the close partnership with the software manufacturer SAP, from which it emerged in 2005 through a spin-off.